Today was the trip to the really nice lady who volunteers to shave heads for those who are going through chemotherapy. We decided we needed a before picture – as Scott was also going to get his head shaved (in part in solidarity, but more because he needed a haircut).
As she shaved my head, I was pleasantly surprised by the result. I actually look pretty good with a buzz cut.
Afterwards, Mom and I went shopping. I started out wearing the head scarf but soon found myself feeling just fine without it. I was especially amused with the feel of the wind on my head with the windows open in the car (usually it drives me nuts to have the windows open as my hair flies everywhere). Then I discovered my shadow, which is very odd looking and still catches me by surprise.
There are so many new sensations – it is amazing. Even a task as simple at putting on a t-shirt feels completely different. I’m looking forward to tomorrow mornings swim and shower!
Now I just need to get a few nice pairs of dangly earrings (I welcome donations/gifts). I don’t normally wear earrings, but long dangly earrings suddenly help me dress up nice. I was never really big on fashion, and now I find myself buying a bunch of nice clothes so I have something fancy to wear to various appointments and meetings.
Definitely feeling good today 🙂
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