BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

The Colour Pink and a memorial celebration

I find the reaction to the colour pink interesting. You see, I’ve always liked wearing pink, but not breast cancer pink (or as my reiki healer today called it Pepto Bismol pink). Since my diagnosis, I find it interesting the different reactions other people have to the colour pink. Mostly, it is a complete aversion to the colour. So, I thought I’d announced, I’m not against pink, just please not Pepto Bismol pink). I really like dark deep pinks (as well as greens and blues).

This morning I was thinking of the memorial post that I made to Puffie – on our Going East bike trip, we had a bag stolen. Of all the things in the bag, the one loss that I felt was that of our mascot Puffie – a stuffed Labrador puffin that we bought a the L’Anse Amour lighthouse. It got me thinking of memorials, and how they help deal with loss.

I found myself wondering about (and craving) a memorial for my breasts. I wondered what others had done or if my thought of creating some kind of memoir was a totally crazy idea? I asked on a couple of breast cancer social media groups that I’m part of. I received a variety of suggestions for parties with catchy names (boob voyage) that all seemed to involved booby cakes and lots of alcohol (made me miss my girlfriends back in Ottawa). They were more in line with they’ve had a good life celebration before they are sent off.

The response that really struck me was a truly heart felt post from a fellow blogger who is probably about my age, who created an art piece the night before her mastectomy. I really feel for women have children, whose emotional ties to their breasts relate directly to feeding their children as infants. I cannot say that I have that same bond, but I still feel a need somehow to do something before they are gone. Maybe its just something trivial like swimming topless in Hawaii (not sure its legal, but I’m sure an exception could be made) … I now have visions of a photo shoot. Scott with the new Go Pro camera, taking pictures of me swimming topless with the sea turtles and snorkeling around the amazing corral reefs in Maui. Maybe we will even charter a sailboat to take us to a nice spot, not full of tourists. A place to say a last goodbye. Sounds like heaven.



One response to “The Colour Pink and a memorial celebration”

  1. […] 2-4 weeks post chemo – and that it should not be delayed. This means that my Hawaii trip (see Breast Memorial) will be either the week of American Thanksgiving or the following week – with surgery the […]

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