Thank-you everyone for your support during my meltdown phase. I know that I shall have more meltdowns, as they are a natural part of this process. I was actually getting concerned that I had not had one. They are like earthquakes, if you don’t have smaller ones for a while, you end up with a big one. I had a small meltdown during the first chemo treatment, but it wasn’t the ‘big one’ that I knew I had coming. Sunday night was much more of a big meltdown.
I’m highly aware of my emotional state and generally doing what I can to avoid depression. I know that depression is often a ‘normal’ part of a cancer diagnosis. I’ve suffered from depression before, so I know what it feels like, but also, have a sense of when I need to ask for help (or at least I think I do). I know that if I don’t re-bound, then I need to consider anti-depressants – but I’m hoping to avoid that. Shorts bouts of meltdown and crying are OK and even healthy – but if I cannot recover from them, then I know I need help. I will try to avoid anti-depressant medication if I can, but if I feel the need I’m also not opposed to taking it. It just adds one more thing to my list, and unlike most of my current medications, anti-depressants are not “as needed”, rather they require a regular regime with severe side effects for missed / late doses.
After dropping Scott off at the airport for his business trip yesterday morning, Mom and I went for a nice drive along the California coast (Pacifica to Half Moon Bay), stopped for lunch at the Ritz Carleton Half Moon Bay (a bit disappointing, so we won’t repeat that but it was still a nice visit with Mom), and then home along Skyline Boulevard (top of the Santa Cruz Mountain Range). It was nice to take a day off and do some touristy type stuff.
Today I have a dermatologist appointment (follow up from the emergency visit the other day). I’m happy to report that after a day of treatment with creams, my hands are almost completely recovered, with barely a sign of the initial blisters!
With the improvements, I’m going to go for a short bike ride this morning. I’m NOT going to overdo it. I will take out my recumbent so there is little pressure on my hands. I need the cardio in order to stay sane.
I should be on my “low” right now from a blood count level. I don’t actually feel that tired – I’m actually feeling remarkably well. I’m waiting for the ‘brick to drop’ in that some people experience bone pain when the chemo wears off and the neulesta (white blood cell booster) suddenly kicks in. So far, crossing fingers, I’m good.
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