Didn’t sleep well last night and I’m feeling like I’m not get in enough biking, so decided to go back to bed and then go for a bike ride this afternoon.
Sleeping, I had this crazy dream. I was in my parents back yard (except it was a lot more elaborate with a tiered swimming pool. The yard (as well as the one across the path – interesting the path was like the back yard in Kitimat) both had kids drinking, doing drugs, and swimming in the pools. It was a wild party (for some reason the gates were low chain link and they didn’t have locked doors). I came down and started yelling: GET OUT, GET the F*$K OUT, going from person to person. They were being difficult, moving along slowly, but I kept yelling. I went to use the phone, which looked more like an ear cleaning syringe thing (see image):
Only I talked to the bulb end and said “call 911” and put the other end in my ear. I got a message (sort of like Siri) saying “sorry we cannot help you right now, we are busy doing something else” … I screamed … and then I woke up.
It had me thinking, the pool is sort of like a metaphor for my body, and the uninvited guests partying and making a mess of the pool and yard are like cancer … and I was screaming “GET OUT, GET the F*$K OUT” …
It might prove to be an interesting visualization during my next chemo treatment … not exactly little pacmen going about chomping on cancer cells (although that worked conceptually, I didn’t really buy into it) … not completely sure how this visualization would work …
We’ll see, either way, it felt good to yell, even if it was just in a dream …
and now for a cup of coffee!
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