BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

2nd Round of Chemo

Today was my second round of chemo. It was actually much less traumatic than I expected it to be. It really helped that someone in the BC Connections Facebook group commented that her second round went a lot better than the first – so rather than hearing horror stories about the second round, I am hopeful that things will run a little smoother now that I understand some of the side effects that I can expect. The pains may still come, but they won’t be new, and there are things that I can do in advance of the pain to hopefully prevent it.

Since chemo is a pretty ridiculous idea, I went for a ridiculous outfit! And of course we also needed the team selfie with our matching haircuts 🙂

Photo Jul 23, 2 03 54 PM

Photo Jul 23, 2 05 05 PM

2014-07-23 16.15.55

This cycle will be 13 days rather than 14, as my oncologist wants to move me back onto the ‘normal’ schedule of Monday’s. There was no way I would be ready for chemo on day 12, so day 13 will need to do. I was kind of hoping that we would actually push it out again so I had a few more days of recovery. Oh well.

The oncologist was also encouraged by the treatment so far. Based on his exam and his notes, he seems to think that my tumor in softer than it was – which is good (means the chemo is working). Unfortunately, the biopsy results on the third mass were not in yet, so I don’t know about that one yet. I did, however, find out that surgery should be planned for 2-4 weeks post chemo – and that it should not be delayed. This means that my Hawaii trip (see Breast Memorial) will be either the week of American Thanksgiving or the following week – with surgery the week we get back from Hawaii. I will book a follow-up appointment with the surgeon in the next week or so, so that we can get a date for surgery. Apparently, things fill up towards the end of the year. One advantage to doing it this year is that it will cost us less, as all our “out of pocket” maximums reset on January 1st.

To avoid confusion – as I kept confusing myself – chemo day is now day 1 not day 0 – this aligns with the days that the doctors use as well. I’ve started a new chart for this cycle (adding in my exercise as well). So far it has the preventative stuff on it. One bit of good news is that I can take my arthritis NSAID anytime, they just don’t want me to take aspirin. Since the arthritis meds also significantly reduce the Neulasta side effects, this is huge for me, as it really helps. The oncologist recommended taking it preventatively, so I’ve added it to my chart as a reminder.

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