BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

The Cactus Garden

Today was mostly a quiet day, with a great visit from a friend, and a quick trip up to Stanford for an EKG (baseline prior to chemo). Since I arrived early, they seem to have a habit of telling me my appointments are 20-30 minutes before they actually schedule the appointment, I took the extra half hour to take a closer look at the cactus garden. Just before the garden, there are a bunch of trees that have been relocated into giant transplant containers. They are building a new hospital, so there is construction everywhere. Apparently, they try to save a lot of the trees during construction, and replant them when the buildings are finished.

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I find it interesting that Royal Roads University has a rose garden, and Stanford University has a cactus garden.

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One response to “The Cactus Garden”

  1. Jenn van der Schee

    This is a great picture of you, Becky. Shows your beautiful spirit.

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