BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor


I saw a Facebook post from a friend the other day about scrapbooking. It isn’t something I’ve wanted to do before – what on earth would I do with a scrapbook once it was done. But now, I’m receiving so many wonderful post cards and other such beautiful ‘thinking of you’ that my cancer binder is filling up (I have a binder that they use to chemo treatments and reactions, where I started to put the various cards and letters).

I know nothing of scrapbooking, so I decided to Google it. Apparently, cancer scrapbooking is quite common – it is a way to trace your journey and give it a life of its own. There are many different layout suggestions, but these are focused mostly on a way to capture your journey – which I’m already doing in this blog.

So friends who are scrapbookers, any recommendations for a good starter-kit or must-have items? I don’t really want more stuff (we have a small apartments and are constantly looking for way to remove stuff not add it). The purpose of the scrapbook is mostly to help keep track of all the wonderful gifts I’m receiving and the various warm thoughts – it is is more of a ‘we are thinking of you’ scrapbook rather than a cancer book per se.  Most of my journey itself will be posted on the blog (with lots of photos) and my quantified medical self is tracked in my cancer binder already.


2 responses to “Scrapbooking”

  1. I haven’t scrapbooked since i was in school but..l I am v bad now at keeping track of physical stuff without making a mess, so I take screen shots on my iPad and carry everything everywhere with me and never lose it (technically my iPad could break or break down, so i should prob back it all up). I say this because you mention lack of space. So u could keep the originals in a space-saving way but organize them with more freedom in 2D in digital form. Not a scrapbook, I guess…

  2. Sharon Emanuel

    There are probably a million scrapbooking stores within cycling distance of your place. As a scrapbooker myself, I would recommend just going to a store and letting them help you. Basically, you’ll need a paper trimmer, some acid-free pens for writing, some paper, and whatever embellishments you want to use. And, of course, a scrapbook. Most of use use the 12×12 size books. Go to a private store over a Michael’s, you’ll get better service, better selection and better prices. Have fun!

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