BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Thank you everyone …

Last night I had hosted a birthday party / gratitude party. When sending out the invites I was struck by out much of my California social circle are from the breast cancer community. This really shouldn’t be a surprise, as I was diagnosed very shortly after moving here.

Someone pointed out that although breast cancer brought us together, it could just have easily have been kids, or some other commonality. It didn’t really matter what brought us all there, just that we were all there, and we laughed. We talked and we laughed some more. We discovered lots of commonalities that we didn’t realize (almost everyone in the room was Unitarian although I don’t think any of us regularly attend a congregation).

I am writing the post to say a special thank you to all my friends that came, and those who couldn’t too. I felt very lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life. And I was so glad that I could share some laughs. It was awesome seeing everyone smile – the best birthday gift I could ever ask for. Thank-you.


One response to “Thank you everyone …”

  1. Colleen

    Glad you had a wonderful celebration today and always.
    Carpe Diem xo Colleen

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