BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Tag: vconnecting

  • Talking about blogging with bloggers #vcept

    Talking about blogging with bloggers #vcept

    I’m excited that on Thursday I’ll get to meet a bunch of illness (health) bloggers that I have followed for some time (e.g. Marie Ennis O’Connor (https://journeyingbeyondbreastcancer.com/), Beth Gainer (http://bethgainer.com/), Caroline Frankovich Ronten (http://carolinemfr.blogspot.ca/), Britni Brown O’Donnell (https://bestliaryouknow.wordpress.com/), Alicia Staley (http://www.awesomecancersurvivor.com/), Terri Coutee (http://diepcjourney.com/), and Scott Johnston (https://scottx5.wordpress.com/) . I’ll be meeting them virtually, but synchronously using Google Hangouts on Air video chat. We’ll be talking about why we blog as part of a new project I’m working on with Virtually Connecting.

    If you are curious about why we chose to blog, you can watch the hangout from the Virtually Connecting YouTube channel embedded in the event announcement: http://virtuallyconnecting.org/announcements/making-the-private-public-why-we-chose-to-blog-a-vcept-discussion/

    I hope to be hosting more of these discussions over the next year or so, exploring the digital health literacies used by ePatients. If you have a topic you want us to talk about or you want to participant in a discussion, leave me a comment or note.

  • QUB ePatient Conference and Virtually Connecting

    I mentioned in a previous post that we’ll be trying to do some virtually connecting at the conference I’m presenting at in Belfast. The conference is “QUB ePatients Conference: The medical, ethical, and legal repercussions of blogging and micro-blogging experiences of illness and disease“.  I am really excited to report that we have two sessions setup. If anyone wants to join a Google Hangout (video conference) to interact with our guest speakers.

    We have two sessions planned. If you’d like to join in virtually, just send me an email or tweet – either to me (rhogue@pobox.com, @rjhogue) or to virtually connecting (info@virtuallyconnecting.org, @vconnecting). We’d love to have a bunch of people virtually join us on our first experiment with a non-educational technology conference.

    Friday, September 11 – 10:45 am UK, 5:45am EDT, 7:45pm Sydney
    Guest speakers: Dr. AnneMarie Cunningham (keynote speaker) & Dr. Steven Wilson (conference chair)
    This session is scheduled for just before the conference begins. We will get a preview of the keynote as well as talk about what types of things we can expect to learn at the QUB ePatients conference.

    Saturday, September 12 – 3:45 pm UK, 10:45 am in EDT, 12:45 am in Sydney
    Guest speakers: Marie Ennis O’Connor (@jbbc), Cathy Ure (@cathyure) and myself (@rjhogue)
    This session is with breast cancer bloggers. We will talk about the lived experience of blogging through major illness. We will reflect on the major lessons learned at the conference.

    Want to know more about what Virtually Connecting is all about. Read our Prof Hacker article, the reflection piece by Michael Berman, or the reflection piece by Autumm Caines.

    Like what we are doing and want to get involved – you can Join us here.

  • Virtually Connecting at ePatient blogging conference @vconnecting

    In September I’m headed out to the UK for a couple of conferences. One of them is an ePatient conference on the medical, ethical, and legal repercussions of blogging and microblogging experiences of illness and disease, hosted by Queens University in Belfast (conference link here).

    At the conference I’ll be reporting on the impact survey of breast cancer blogs that I did back in April. I’m really looking forward to this conference, as I’ll be presenting on something that I am both passionate about, but also it is a completely new area for me. I will also get a chance to meet the amazing Marie Ennis O’Connor of Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer.

    In my other world – that of educational technology – I’ve been part of a movement to improve the experience of virtual conference attendees. The idea is to give people who cannot physically attend conferences an opportunity to interact informally with people at the conference. With my partner, Maha Bali, we have started to share and expand our experiences. We report on it and blog about it at http://virtuallyconnecting.org.

    One area of expansion that we are considering is into the ePatient conference area. We are wondering whether or not Virtually Connecting makes sense outside of the Educational Technology space?  Since I’ll be attending several ePatient related conferences this fall (specifically QUB ePatient, Stanford Medicine X, and Health 2.0), I figured that it might be a good place to experiment with Virtually Connecting outside of the Educational Technology area.

    So, why am I telling you this? Because I’m looking for people who might want to join in on a Google Hangout on Air during any of these conferences (training provided – but you need to know that the hangouts are broadcast publicly on the Internet for anyone to see). This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to expand their network or to have a meaningful conversation with one of the onsite hangout guest speakers. Details are still to be worked out. If you are interested, please contact me (email, twitter: @rjhogue or @vconnecting, or leave a comment below).
