BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Tag: mobile

  • The pill app and post chemo day 2

    So being the mobile geek that I am, I figured there had to be an app that would be useful for tracking when I am taking various medication as they all have very different durations, and when you add in all the non-prescription medications and chemo brain, it becomes impossible to track in ones head.

    The app that I’ve found to be useful is called Dosecast. It is listed as free but is pretty useless without the $3.99 in app purchase to premium. I can add any medication I want to it. I don’t have to have reminders – since much of what I take is as-needed I don’t want to be burdened with reminders. With the premium I can get a summary of what I have taken and I can email that summary and print it out for my doctor. Scott has some grand plans to do some kind of graphical analysis for my doctors, but I’m not holding my breath.

    We are both rather scattered at the moment – after both having very busy days. After my morning swim, I had a few online meetings and ran a bunch of errands, and had a couple of doctors appointments. The first was to get my California Marijuana card – which doesn’t do much for me until I get a California ID (ugh – this involves lines at the DMV, so I may also do the written portion of my drivers license at the same time) – the second was the follow up with the genetic counsellor who I am happy to report confirmed that I do not carry the known breast cancer genes (BRAC1, BRAC2, CDH1, PTEN, STK11, or TP53). This is very good news.

    To add to our crazy day, they were testing the fire alarms from 4 – 8 pm, which was driving us both crazy. Scott has more conference calls tonight, and I shall soon sleep. I’m starting to feel the effects of either the chemo or the neulasta – so general achiness and one-by-one each of my muscles are starting to hurt like I’ve over-exercised them (started in the abs and has now moved to shoulders and neck – I think this is because I injected the neulasta in the stomach). But, no fever, so that is good. Sleep will likely be the best medicine for me this evening. I do hope to have energy again in the morning, just need to remember to take it easy in the afternoon, and remember to eat!


