It is with mixed feelings that I read about breast cancer prevention. It is not that I want anyone to get breast cancer, I would not wish that on anyone. It is just that when I read about prevention, I enter that world of regret. I start running through the if onlys…
…if only I had thrown out the water bottles with BPA sooner
…if only I ate less red meat
…if only I ate less sugar
In general, I’m very good at not regretting the past. There is nothing I can do about it now, so no point in dwelling on it right?
But still, when I hear of a charity that focuses on breast cancer prevention, I’m filled with both regret and doubt (can we really prevent breast cancer?).
One charity that works to help prevent breast cancer by providing public advocacy and education campaigns based upon scientific evidence (not personal opinion – there are way too many personal anecdotes about what causes cancer!) is the Breast Cancer Fund.
On October 11 (Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend), Scott and I will be doing a day hike that is a fundraiser for the Breast Cancer Fund. It is a good chance for us to meet some new people (we’ve joined a team captained by a friend-of-a-friend) while going on a hike up Mount Tam in Marin County (just north of San Francisco). It is an area that we haven’t yet explored, so that too should be fun. Mostly, it is a great excuse to get out, and help me get motivated to train for my walk down Mount Haleakalā in December. As this is a fundraiser walk, we could use a little help with fundraising …
To support Scott’s hike:
To support Becky’s hike: