BC Becky

Never thought I'd want to be a breast cancer survivor

Tag: curiousity

  • Bone-pain – a mixed blessing

    When I didn’t experience a lot of fatigue or any bone-pain yesterday, I felt it was a mixed blessing. I wondered if the reason I wasn’t feeling it was because I had successfully managed the side effects (although that doesn’t describe the lack of fatigue) or was it that the Neulasta shot that came via express scripts (mailed) wasn’t stored properly such that it was ineffective?

    This morning, when I started to feel the initial twinges of bone pain, I felt a bit of relief but also a bit of concern. The Neulasta is definitely working. This is a good thing. But everything seems to be running a day late (probably because of the later in the day infusion time). This means that my day early third infusion may feel like two days early infusion, and that would really suck. So, I’m crossing my fingers that the delayed onset was really just me managing the side effects better.

    In looking at my medications records, it appears I did not take my NSAID before bed last night. I highly recommend the Dosecast app (available on both Android and iOS) for tracking when you actually take medication. I can never remember what pill I took when, so every time I take something I just click the “take” button in Dosecast. I can then look up when I took what, and I can print out a 30-day summary for my doctors. So when my primary care doc asked how often I was taking the heartburn medication, I could just show that particular medication to him on my phone. Very handy.

    I’ve now taken my NSAID but cannot sit until it takes effect. I’m typing this from my husbands standing desk (handy that he has it!). I’m about to go out for a training walk with my iPod – which now has Warrior by Scandal loaded on it in addition to my regular mix of Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams. My walk may turn more into a moving dance than a walk!

    In other notes, I’m going bald and my eyebrows are thinning. People say “you still have your eyebrows” as it seems mostly that I am the only that notices the difference. They look manicured now, and I haven’t waxed them in years! Last night when I pulled on my sleeping t-shirt I felt all prickly on the neck. I discovered that the act of pulling the shirt over my head dislodged a bunch of the remaining head stubble and embedded in the shirt collar. I had to put a buff on my head (head scarf) before putting on a clean shirt, so that I didn’t end up with hair in my shirt collar again! What is interesting is that I do seem to have a layer of baby fuzz on my head. So the hair that is falling out is being replaced with baby fuzz hair. It looks like I have more bald patches than hair patches now but the fuzz means it doesn’t feel that way.

    Apply sunscreen to my head results in a hand full of little hairs!


    I am reminded with each new experience to that I am approaching this chemo thing (and cancer thing) with a sense of curiosity, and that is what is keeping me sane. Now I’m off for a walk/dance 🙂



  • Who would have thought … I look sexy in a buzz cut!

    Today was the trip to the really nice lady who volunteers to shave heads for those who are going through chemotherapy. We decided we needed a before picture – as Scott was also going to get his head shaved (in part in solidarity, but more because he needed a haircut).
    Photo Jul 17, 11 30 37 AMAs she shaved my head, I was pleasantly surprised by the result. I actually look pretty good with a buzz cut. 
    Photo Jul 17, 11 54 07 AM Photo Jul 17, 11 54 19 AM

    Afterwards, Mom and I went shopping. I started out wearing the head scarf but soon found myself feeling just fine without it. I was especially amused with the feel of the wind on my head with the windows open in the car (usually it drives me nuts to have the windows open as my hair flies everywhere). Then I discovered my shadow, which is very odd looking and still catches me by surprise.

    2014-07-17 15.12.14

    There are so many new sensations – it is amazing. Even a task as simple at putting on a t-shirt feels completely different. I’m looking forward to tomorrow mornings swim and shower!

    Now I just need to get a few nice pairs of dangly earrings (I welcome donations/gifts). I don’t normally wear earrings, but long dangly earrings suddenly help me dress up nice. I was never really big on fashion, and now I find myself buying a bunch of nice clothes so I have something fancy to wear to various appointments and meetings.

    Definitely feeling good today 🙂
