On Facebook? I now have a Facebook Page where I post short updates as well as links to blog posts. You can “like” my page at the following link: www.facebook.com/bcbeckydotcom
I’m a PhD Candidate studying health professions education at the University of Ottawa. I live in Sunnyvale California – where the weather is beautiful all of the time, and for that I am thankful.
I’m still trying to figure out how to survive, one day at a time. I’ve titled this blog BC Becky, standing for ‘Breast Cancer Becky’. It is a new identity that I now hold. I never thought that one day I’d want to hold the identity of ‘breast cancer survivor’, but now, the alternative is definitely not what I want. I’ve set this blog up to give me a space to reflect upon my journey and share it with anyone who is interested in reading it. Writing helps keep me sane, and for that alone it is worth the effort.
I’ve put together my tips for anyone newly diagnosed or about to start chemo on pages:
If you are newly diagnosed and want someone you can chat with via email, feel free to send me a message (rhogue@pobox.com). I’m happy to chat via email, share my story, and help you process what is happening, so that you can make the important decisions you need to make. The breast cancer journey is unique for each person, so sometimes, it just helps to ‘talk’ to someone that understands what you are going through.
Here are some useful links to help navigate my site:
- My blog from the beginning (oldest at the top)
- My blog listing in reverse order (newest at top)
- A list of useful websites to learn more about breast cancer
If you are a researcher, you are welcome to use my blog as data for your research as long as you inform me via email (rhogue@pobox.com) or by leaving a comment on this page. I ask that you attribute quotes directly to me, linking back to my blog, and that you share your research results with me. I reserve the right to ask you to use a different quote. This statement can be used as informed consent.