I have been reflecting on the alternative CV activity in the Equity Unbound course for over a week now.
I tried to do something visual, but that just wasn’t working for me.
I found myself asking, what are my values? Or, what am I most proud of? Right now that answer is that I was seen as a good caregiver and a good friend. Those mean the world to me. So much more than any academic credential.
I’m trying to figure out how to look forward, and figure out what I want my new CV to look like. I’m still working on self-care, after a traumatic 5-months of caregiving.
Another blog that I follow, asked the question What is your greatest strength? I too have been thinking of this. What comes to my mind immediately is cooking. Again a form of hospitality, a form of caregiving.
Now, for the alternative CV, I want to link those values to what I do – which is teach. I see now that is an important part of my teaching practice is hospitality. It is making students who are nervous or uncertain feel comfortable, and then building up their self-confidence. When they leave my class, I feel like I have succeeded if they leave with a sense of pride and amazement of what they achieved. It is they that did it, not me. I simply gave them the opportunity to demonstrate their potential. I love that.
I’m still figuring out what I’m going to do with my life now, but I’m moving forward. I’m working on some self-care. I’m teaching again and loving it. It still feels like every day I’m lifting sandbags, but with each day the bags are getting lighter, and I’m moving just a little bit faster.
Perhaps, that is my greatest strength – tenacity. Sometimes progress is slow and frustrating, but I keep going – and with that, I’m headed out for a hike